Monday, February 05, 2007
The Lover
- tHE hUMan sIDE
- gIVEn nAMe bY my bLOOd pAREnts: Asri
- cALL nAME: Randy Crash
- bROUGht to tHIS lANd on 13/09/1987
- sHELter: sINGapore, jUROng wEST
- iNSTItute: sINgaPore pOLY
- sTAtus: sINGle... i jUST cAN't bEAr hURTIng anYOne anYMOre... lyKE wHAT i dID iN the pASt...
- hATes: bEINg lIED... bEing lEft hANGing...
- tHE cLIMber wIThIn
- clIMbER aLIas: dAVe cARRion
- clIMbINg sINCe: jULY 2004
- cURREnt bIG tARGet: cOMPetING in tHE wORld Cup
- iDOl: dAVE gRAHam & oBE cARRion
- iNSpired bY: wATChiNG tHE wORld cUP & mAJa vIDMar
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