Thursday, February 08, 2007

The final bbq... the days ahead are gonna be different...

Lolx... Okay... So i haven't blogged for... hmm... over a month?
Just too lazy to blog...
Although there were things that i would like to blog about...
But you know what....
I'm just too plain lazy to type the whole thing out...

So i've just finished reading my fwens blog...
Though i didn't tag them...
Most of them are having their exams...
Looking at them...
I kinda appreciate more of the fact that i've gotten all my papers over and done with...
Finished my final last paper last Tuesday...

While reading their blogs...
I realized that each blog had a certain feel to it...
I guess...
It's cuz of the different character that each of us are...
Some of it are emo-ish... some of it are proble-mish...
It's what each of us faces more in life,
and how we look life as...
But i haven't seen a single blog...
Which i hope to see one day...
A blog that belongs to an optimist...
Where things inside are filled with words of hope...
And the world and things in the daily life is viewed in an optimist way...
a different way...
How cool would that be huh!

Anyway... back to exam papers...

I recall back to the time when my secondary school friend, Chi Sin, told me something...
after doin one of the papers...
I think it was maths...
though i'm not sure if it's Additional Mathematics or Elementary Mathematics?
But when i asked him how the paper was...
He said it was fun...
tricky at the same time...
And i was like huh??
How can you enjoy an exam paper??

But i soon experienced the same kind of feeling...
if not the same... it should be almost the same...
It was when i took my English paper...
Both the prelims and the final 'O' level paper...
I truly enjoyed the paper and wrote long answers...
Eventhough it was unnecessary...
Anyway for my English 'O' level paper, i answered the comprehension section in this way too...
And in the end...
You know what?
I didn't have time to answer the summary part...
Though i had the points for the summary...
And in the end...
After that...
I was dead worried thinking if i was gonna fail or not...
Cuz the summary part was like 40 to 50 percent of the paper if i ain't wrong?
But luckily...
I made it...

But now...
Things are different...
There's almost no papers where i would enjoy...
Almost cuz...
Certain parts of a paper...
I enjoy them...
But the experience is not as great as the one i had during the 'O'levels...
Haha... anyway...
Exam period is truly an experience i do not like to experience now...

My friends from my original class back from year 1...
is graduating...
So i won't be seeing them...
Although i wasn't with them for the past 1 year,
when they were in year 3,
i still bumped into them...
and i know at least they were around...
But now...

This semester...
when i was in a different class...
I was in class 01/02...
Just started taking my third year modules...
The class was great...
I guess i'm lucky you know...
Though i have to stay back...
I still get to go to classes with great classmates...
My luck is pretty good i guess...
Though i shouldn't depend on my luck too much...

Nywyay... Last week...
My old class from year 1 had a bbq at east coast as a final gathering...
It was great to see them all for one last time...
I wanted to overnite...
Spend more time with them...
But... most of them didn't want to...
So in the end...
Went home...
And the worse thing is it was still kinda early when i left...
kinda sad that i couldn't spend time with them a little longer...
but i still enjoyed the time with them....
The walk home from boon lay mrt station... was cold...
i could take a bus...
there were still busses in operation... i know...
but i want to walk home... this time round...
the last walk home after meeting them...

Felt freaking emo-ish during that walk...
Cuz of the cold..
i put on my sweater...
but after wearing it for a while...
i took it back off...
I just felt like experiencing the cold...

The wind was harsh and strong...
but it wasn't as harsh and strong as the other time when i walked home...
though i forgot the occasion that day...
i still remember that it was worse...
The walk wasn't lonely...
Cuz i had two "stick friends" with me...
Found a box but 6 were in it at prime earlier...
I spent the whole walking time...
thinking of the night with my friends...
and planning to meet some of them again someday...
Once my first stick fwen died...
I lit the other...
By the time the second died... i was one bus-stop away from home...
A memorable day...

I can't regret my actions of screwing myself up at year 2 semester 2...
Cuz i know...
There's no point in doing so...
What's done cannot be undone...
All you can do is walk on...
And try not to do the same damn mistake again...

But of cuz...
Everytime when it comes to such decisions...
I always find myself doin exactly the opposite...
Though i know it's the wrong decision...
I can't help myself but to do them...
Baka Serigala!

And now...
Even though i am supposed to have 1 more semester to go through before i can graduate...
I think that it may be 2 semesters instead of 1...
We'll just have to wait and see right?

Okay... these days...
All i've been doing is climbing...
It doesn't even feel like a holiday anymore to me...
I've got a few more tings i want to blog...
But i may do that next time...

I gtg go now...
Goin out...
This post is long...
Okay okay... Until next time...


what did i do so wrong that you had to leave me alone ... at 2:54 PM
0 people in the crowd heard my words

The Lover

  • tHE hUMan sIDE
  • gIVEn nAMe bY my bLOOd pAREnts: Asri
  • cALL nAME: Randy Crash
  • bROUGht to tHIS lANd on 13/09/1987
  • sHELter: sINGapore, jUROng wEST
  • iNSTItute: sINgaPore pOLY
  • sTAtus: sINGle... i jUST cAN't bEAr hURTIng anYOne anYMOre... lyKE wHAT i dID iN the pASt...
  • hATes: bEINg lIED... bEing lEft hANGing...
  • tHE cLIMber wIThIn
  • clIMbER aLIas: dAVe cARRion
  • clIMbINg sINCe: jULY 2004
  • cURREnt bIG tARGet: cOMPetING in tHE wORld Cup
  • iDOl: dAVE gRAHam & oBE cARRion
  • iNSpired bY: wATChiNG tHE wORld cUP & mAJa vIDMar

Once Upon A Time


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